BMFA London area minutes March 2022

By | November 6, 2022

Minutes of the London Area Meeting for Thursday 10th March 2022 by ‘ZOOM’ AT 20.00

Present: Dave Warren (Concord);John Lewis (Epping & North Weald);Tim Billings (Concord); Bob Ryan (Bickley); Martin Dilly (Croydon)

Apologies: for absence; Julie Fisher (Flyin’Fish); Alan Robinson (Eynsford); Neil Bradshaw (FOOHLS); Steve Brett (Bickley)

Minutes of the previous Meeting: Nothing to discuss.

Matters Arising: Nothing to discuss.

Chairman’s report.  Nothing to report.

Vice Chairman’s report. Nothing to report.

Secretary’s report. John Lewis initiated a discussion about the next meeting. It was decided that the next meeting would be at the Golf Centre on Thursday 12th May.

Treasurer’s report. Tim Billings said that he had that he had little to report and funds currently stood at £2,080.55. It was agreed to pay Croydon £75.

Achievement Scheme Coordinator’s Report. Bob Ryan said that he would be offering an Achievement Scheme Training Day at Bickley at some point with a date to be decided but probably in late June or July. Bob voiced an opinion that ‘it all happened at Buckminster’ and that there was a need to look South and North. Dave said that London was surrounded by other areas but we did have Caterham on our doorstep and suggested a glider competition as something different. Bob said that the calendar looked full and Dave said that something simple was needed. Martin suggested F3 RES as a basic way to get in with rudder, elevator and spoiler(s). Dave said we needed a competition that people would join in and not feel intimidated. Bob stated that Bickley’s 50th celebration (although it was now 53) would be on Sunday 14th August, with a car boot sale on Saturday 13th and sponsorship had been obtained from Rapid Rc.

London Area Delegate’s Report. Martin Dilly reported that work on the Buckminster exhibition was progressing well.

London Area P.R.O. Report. Martin mentioned that some Area Meetings took place before Council Meetings. This was felt to be a good strategy to adopt.

Safety Advisor’s Reports. Bob reiterated the need to submit reports which indicated to the CAA that the ‘system’ was working.

Education Officer’s Reports. Nothing to report

Silent Flight Report. Bob had nothing to report.

Free Flight Report. Martin Dilly reported that the site on Salisbury Plain had become available and that the Croydon Club would be asking for funding again.

Helicopter Report. Alan Robinson had reported that he was waiting for dates for some drone racing events and that they would be available on the EMHC website. An ‘‘Open Day’ was planned for 29th May   and a ‘Scale Day’ for 4th September.

RC Power Report. Nothing to report.

Fixed Wing Turbine Report. nothing to report.

London Area Webmaster: There was a general feeling that work was needed in this area. Dave Wray was suggested as a person who might be able to help and John Lewis had approached Dave who was now leaving the UK and would be unable to help.


Martin suggested using a ‘Doodle Pole’ to coordinate meeting dates and John said he would look into this. The next meeting will take place on May 12th at Pedham Place Golf Centre.

The meeting finished at 21.00