BMFA London area minutes May 2022

By | November 6, 2022

Minutes of the London Area Meeting for Thursday 12th May 2022 at Pedham Place Golf Centre  at 20.00

Present: John Lewis (Epping & North Weald); Tim Billings (Concord); Bob Ryan (Bickley); Martin Dilly (Croydon); Neil Bradshaw (FOOHLS); Steve Brett (Bickley)

Apologies: for absence;  Alan Robinson (Eynsford); Dave Warren (Concord);

Minutes of the previous Meeting: Nothing to discuss.

Matters Arising: Nothing to discuss.

Chairman’s report.  Nothing to report.

Vice Chairman’s report. Nothing to report.

Secretary’s report. John Lewis initiated a discussion about the next meeting. It was decided that it would be at the Golf Centre on Thursday 25th August with Bob Ryan acting as secretary as John would be in Seattle.

Treasurer’s report. Tim Billings said that he had that he had little to report and funds currently stood at £2,005.55. Croydon had been paid £75.Tim questioned the need to have two signatories on the account and this was discussed. It was decided to see whether the bank would accept one signature-Tim’s. The issue of mileage remuneration was discussed and Tim said he would investigate the rate. Tim also said that he would be standing down at the AGM and he was thanked by John and Martin for his contributions to the committee as well as his role as Treasurer.

Achievement Scheme Coordinator’s Report. John Lewis said that he was aware of two examiners standing down in the light of the new requests from the BMFA and asked Bob whether he was aware of any others. John recognised the need for uniformity in examining but wondered whether it could be achieved in a slightly different way. Bob said he would find out and report back to the committee.

London Area Delegate’s Report. Martin Dilly reported on the changes to the management structure planned by the BMFA and explained the role of non-executive directors. The idea that Area boundaries might change was also discussed. Martin also explained that plans for the exhibition at Buckminster were going well.

London Area P.R.O. Report. Martin mentioned that some Area Meetings took place before Council Meetings. This was felt to be a good strategy to adopt.

Safety Advisor’s Reports. Bob reiterated the need to submit reports which indicated to the CAA that the ‘system’ was working. A couple of models had been damaged at the recent event at Duxford and Bob explained the FAI competition 5 second rule for gliders.

Education Officer’s Reports. Nothing to report

Silent Flight Report. Bob said that there were lots of local competitions planned and that people were returning to competitions post COVID. The international ‘Interglide’ F5J competition with 60 pilots would be taking place at Hamilton Farm near Ashford on 15/16/17 July.

Free Flight Report. Martin Dilly reported that the site on Salisbury Plain had become available and would be used for the ‘substitute’ Nationals.

Helicopter Report. With the weather improving we have seen an increase in activity, Helicopter wise the number flying has increased with the first competition in the UK just being held at BMFA Buckminster (Freestyle Masters) with a number of London members attended and competed with good placing. At Eynsford on the 22nd May AT models are having a meet where people are welcome to pop along and watch and meet the team. On the 29th there is the first open day of the year, open to anyone, there will be the normal BBQ as well. We have seen a few enquiries from new pilots which is nice to see this early in the year. Unfortunately, the first F3n competition was cancelled due to numbers but hopefully this is a one off for the year. A number of London area members also attended Charmouth fun fly which was another good success.

Quad side – the first National qualifier was held at Eynsford a few weeks ago with 36 pilots registered and some good feedback after, this Sunday is the second qualifier for us, so far approx. 27 pilots registered.

All in all a good start to the year and hopefully after the last two years it will continue to pick up with new pilots on all sides and also there is a trend of people who haven’t flown for a long time coming back.

 RC Power Report. Bickley had an EDF and i/c ducted fans event on Sunday 12th June; a Fun Fly competition sponsored by London Area BMFA on Sunday 10th July and Bob stated that Bickley’s 50th celebration (although it was now 53) and Scale Day would be on Sunday 14th August, with a car boot sale on Saturday 13th and sponsorship had been obtained from Rapid Rc.

Fixed Wing Turbine Report. nothing to report.

London Area Webmaster: There was a general feeling that work was needed in this area. Dave Wray had been suggested as a person who might be able to help and John Lewis had approached Dave who was now leaving the UK and would be unable to help.


1.Tim congratulated Martin for his article in the recent copy of the BMFA news.

2.There was a brief discussion about the record attempt on Sunday 15th May. Most clubs were expecting around 15 members to be involved-depending on the weather.

3.There was a brief discussion about the officers to be elected at the next AGM and Martin offered to elaborate by email.

The meeting finished at 21.17