Minutes of the London Area Meeting for Thursday 2nd September 2021 by ‘ZOOM’ AT 20.00
Present: Steve Brett (Bickley); John Lewis (Epping & North Weald); Tim Billings (Concord); Bob Ryan (Bickley); Martin Dilly (Croydon); Dave Warren (Concord); Neil Bradshaw (FOOHLS)
Apologies: for absence; Julie Fisher (Flyin’ Fish); Alan Robinson (Eynsford); Bill Wheeler (Bickley)
Minutes of the previous Meeting: These were agreed.
Matters Arising: John Lewis asked Bob about the incident reporting and who knew. Bob said that he had been in contact with the BMFA and the reports went to the BMFA and then to the CAA. There did not seem to be anyone in the BMFA in the know.
Chairman’s report. Steve Brett initially chaired the meeting. Dave joined the meeting and said that there was nothing to report.
Vice Chairman’s report. Nothing to report.
Secretary’s report. John Lewis suggested that the AGM be held on Thursday 11th November.
He asked about a venue and the general feeling was for Pedham Place (Golf Range).
Treasurer’s report. Tim Billings said that there was nothing to report apart from £1624.43 in the account.
Achievement Scheme Coordinator’s Report. Dave said that there had been very few tests. He had attended an Achievement Scheme Coordinators ‘Zoom’ meeting led by Duncan Mc Clure relating to Article 16. There would have been an Examiners Workshop were it not for COVID and this would now be held in the Spring. Dave led a discussion about the reporting of questions in the A test as Bob had had a form returned as he had entered NA in the question box since the candidate had not needed to be asked the questions and the certificate had not been awarded. Dave agreed that he would bring up this admin. issue with Duncan Mc Clure.
London Area Delegate’s Report. Martin Dilly reported on a number of proposals.1 The Chief Executive should be appointed as a Council Member effectively on the Board of Directors. This was agreed. 2 The proposal of a new post of Members Director to represent the membership at executive director level. The committee did not feel that this was needed.3 A proposal from the Scale Technical Committee to offer to hold the 2024 R/C World Scale Championships at Buckminster. This was fully supported. The issue of spectators was raised by Steve Brett but Martin said that the event would be budgeted to at least break even without spectators
London Area P.R.O. Report. Nothing to report. Martin did say that he was working on an exhibition at Buckminster and any information/equipment from radio flying in the 1950s would be much appreciated.
Safety Advisor’s Reports. Bob Ryan said that there was nothing to report.
Education Officer’s Reports. Nothing to report
Silent Flight Report. Bob reported that Kent County Council had placed a ban on all powered model gliders. This had been an overreaction to incidents with parascenders and had now been resolved but multi-rotors were still banned. Tim raised the issue of a parascender flying with no lights near the Redhiill / Reigate flying area at dusk. Dave Warren said that they could fly until 30 minutes after sunset without lights.
Free Flight Report. Nothing to report.
Helicopter Report. After a slow start after the COVID restrictions being lifted both helis and quad attendance and events are returning, although still nowhere near the pre- COVID levels. There had been a few enquiries from new pilots looking at getting into the hobby that is always a good thing. Events have been successful this year with Helifest and Full Pitch and Blades over Buckminster all having good turnouts. Locally, EMHC hosted the align tree team that had a good turnout, Cuffley and Harlington both had open days that were a great success. EMHC also held a more relaxed scale day/ open day last weekend, that although numbers were down still managed 20 pilots with their amazing scale helis. For the season end we have Charmouth to look forward to in October.
The quad racing scene has made a come-back with 3 racing events held at EMHC with very good numbers and national events culminating in the event this weekend at Weston Park.
F3N and F3C have also had successful events with good numbers, back in July at the Flyin’ Fish field, at Cuffley in August and the next one is the Nationals at NOMADS.
Hopefully the events in the coming weeks are a great success and numbers continue to increase.
RC Power Report. Steve Brett said that Bickley had held a few events and that he had attended Wings & Wheels.
Fixed Wing Turbine Report. Steve Brett said that due to COVID he had nothing to report.
London Area Webmaster: Nothing to report.
1.Martin was asked by Tim whether there was any further information regarding the restructuring of the BMFA areas. He replied that nothing had been decided.
2.Neil Bradshaw raised the issue of turbines being flown from the tarmac r/c circle at Croydon Airport. There was a discussion about this and the person involved. The Club flying there was a Southern Area Club but the 3 Kings Control Line Club was a London Area club. It was agreed that Rob Newman would be contacted by Martin.
3.Bob said that there had been a bit of a fracas at a Bickley swap meet but it seemed to be premeditated and did not involve Bickley members.
4.Bob said that Amazon and DHL Europe had abandoned research into drone delivery.
5.Bob said that next July, Bickley Club would be celebrating 50 years
The next meeting the AGM will take place on Thursday 11th November at 20.00.
The meeting finished at 20.17